Welcome to Uno Admin

Build your Application with the best

Best opensource admin template. Built on top of Nuxtjs and Nuxt UI, Its flexibility, developer-friendly, modular, feature-rich, and highly customizable..

The fastest way to create a application

All the features you need to start your app!

  • Authentication

    Included login, register and forgot-password pages. For you to build your authentication flow.

  • Elegant Design

    Craft beautiful sites with NuxtUI and Headless UI components. Built with TailwindCSS and mobile first.

  • Modular development

    Build your application in a modular way, creating your own modules or using those from the community.

Free Version

Best option for personal use & for your next project.

  • Free forever (MIT License)
  • Lifetime free updates
  • Community support
  • Documentation
  • Free Components
  • Example Pages (LandPage, Auth Pages, Dasboard, Account, Error)
Get started

Pro Version

Best for large scale uses and extended redistribution rights.

  • All in free version
  • 12 Months Support & Updates
  • Personal or Commercial Use
  • Pro Dashboards
  • Pro Components
  • Modules (Security, Email, Calendar)